===== Hot keys ===== //(in brackets you see hot keys for macOS if they are different from those for Windows)// ''F1'' -- open Help\\ ''F2'' -- create\\ ''F3'' -- show information\\ ''F4'' -- edit\\ ''Ctrl+Del (Cmd+Del)'' -- delete\\ ''F12 (Cmd+,)'' -- program options or the current report options\\ ''Alt+F12 (Alt+Cmd+,)'' -- settings of filters of the active table or tree options if the tree tab is active **Search**\\ ''Ctrl+F (Cmd+F)'' -- set the cursor to the Search field\\ ''Alt+Down arrow'' -- search forward\\ ''Alt+Up arrow'' -- search back **Navigation**\\ ''Ctrl+B (Cmd+B)'' -- set a bookmark/remove the bookmark\\ ''Ctrl+J (Cmd+J)'' -- jump to the bookmark\\ ''Ctrl+G (Cmd+G)'' -- jump to the table\\ ''Ctrl+T (Cmd+T)'' -- jump to the tree\\ ''Ctrl+R (Cmd+R)'' -- jump to the root person\\ ''Alt+Left arrow'' -- go to the previous record in the table or in the tree, to the previous object in the information window\\ ''Alt+Right arrow'' -- go to the next record in the table or in the tree, to the next object in the information window\\ **Sorting**\\ ''Left button click on the column heading in the table'' -- sorting of the column\\ ''Alt+left button click on the column heading in the table'' -- adding this column to the sorting rule **Editing**\\ ''Ctrl+I (Cmd+I)'' -- to mark the stress in a word **Family Tree**\\ ''F5'' -- build a tree of direct ancestors and descendents\\ ''Alt+F5'' -- build a tree of direct relatives, brothers, sisters\\ ''Shift+F5'' -- build a tree of blood relatives\\ ''Shift+Alt+F5'' -- build a tree of all relatives\\ ''F10'' -- rebuild the tree\\ ''F11 (Ctrl+Cmd+F)'' -- fullscreen mode\\ ''Ctrl+Scroll wheel (Cmd+Scroll wheel)'' -- changing the scale of the tree\\ ''Ctrl+P (Cmd+P)'' -- printing of the tree **Lineage lists**\\ ''F6'' -- build an ascending lineage list (to ancestors)\\ ''Alt+F6'' -- build a descending lineage list (to descendants) \\ ''Shift+F6'' -- include all persons of the table or of the tree into a lineage list **Tables and lists**\\ ''PgUp'' -- scroll up\\ ''PgDown'' -- scroll down\\ ''Home'' -- jump to the first record\\ ''End'' -- jump to the last record\\ ''Scroll wheel'' -- scrolling without changing cursor position\\ ''Alt+Scroll wheel'' -- scrolling to change cursor position\\ ''Shift+Стрелка вверх'' -- move the line up (if it is possible)\\ ''Shift+Стрелка вниз'' -- move the line down (if possible)\\ ''Shift+Колесо мыши'' -- move the line (if possible)\\ **Tabs in the main window**\\ ''Ctrl+1 (Cmd+1)'' -- Persons tab\\ ''Ctrl+2 (Cmd+2)'' -- Tree tab\\ ''Ctrl+3 (Cmd+3)'' -- Events tab\\ ''Ctrl+4 (Cmd+4)'' -- Documents tab\\ ''Ctrl+5 (Cmd+5)'' -- Places tab\\ ''Ctrl+6 (Cmd+6)'' -- Sources tab\\ ''Ctrl+7 (Cmd+7)'' -- Family lines tab\\ ''Ctrl+8 (Cmd+8)'' -- Notes tab **Work with files**\\ ''Ctrl+O (Cmd+O)'' -- open a file\\ ''Ctrl+S (Cmd+S)'' -- save the file\\ ''Ctrl+D (Cmd+D)'' -- open documents folder\\ ''Ctrl+H (Cmd+H)'' -- open the current report in the browser \\ ''Ctrl+E (Cmd+E)'' -- view the current document