Agelong Tree 5.5 has been released
We continue to work remotely and do our favorite thing – developing Agelong Tree! In version 5.5, it became possible to build family trees and lineage lists using only the male family line or only the female one. We improved the search algorithm, now you can search in the table and in the tree not only an exact phrase, but also combinations in any word order. We simplified the creation of twins, the twin brother and twin sister are now signed as twins in the tree and in the family. And a long list of other new features and bugfixes in our online help.
Using Agelong Tree 5? Download Agelong Tree 5.5 installation package, install the application and continue working with your family tree.
Using Agelong Tree 4 or earlier versions? Download and install Agelong Tree 5.5, import data and try working. Get a license for Agelong Tree 5.* with 40% discount or free of charge.
Questions? Contact us, we are glad to help!